Modou Dieng


b. 1970, Saint-Louis, Senegal
Lives and works in Chicago 


Modou Dieng is a multidisciplinary artist and art curator. His work navigates pop culture's power by using various mediums such as painting, photography and mixed media collages. Dieng's work represents the archetypal cultural of imagery refined through a split identity between Blackness and African Philosophy.

His work has been exhibited in numerous group and solo exhibitions, including A Postcolonial Landscape, Elizabeth Leach Gallery, Oregon (2020); Dak’Art, Darkar Biennale, Darkar (2020); Saint-Louis to St. Louis: City on the River Meets River City, Barrett Barrera Projects, Missouri (2019); No Such Place, Edward Nahem Gallery, New York (2015); Portland Biennial, Disjecta, Oregon (2014); Emerging: Visual Arts in Post Hip Hop, Museum of African Diaspora Art, New York (2013); Art Basel, Basel, Switzerland (2010) and Here and There, Contemporary Art Center, Madrid (2006) among others.

Dieng is the Founder and Curator of Blackpuffin Curatorial in Illinois since 2017. He has also worked as a Curator of Worksound Gallery and Worksound International, Oregon (2007–2017); Associate Professor, Pacific Northwest College of Art, Oregon (2014–2017) and Assistant Professor, Pacific Northwest College of Art, Oregon (2008–2014).

In 1995 he graduated from Ecole Nationale des Beaux Arts in Dakar with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree. In 2006 he received his Master of Fine Arts from San Francisco Art Institute in California. Born in 1970 in Saint-Louis, Senegal, he currently lives and works in Chicago.

Contact Us for available works by Modou Dieng.


An Afternoon in Casablanca, 2021